Alocutive Interpolation: AI Aesthetic Therapeutics

Posted by in AI work, Images & Design, on April 27, 2023

Through the use of text prompts and various AI image generators, Alocutive Interpolation presents a collection of nine alternative, iterative self-portraits based on the artist’s own experience with a laryngeal cancer diagnosis and the medical interventions that follow.  Using journal entries, written over the year since the diagnosis, and medical reports as text prompts for the generation of the images, the images were processed repeatedly across a variety of AI platforms, sometimes up to 100 times. Though the resulting images may emphasize the emergent body horror of cancer surgeries and treatments, they serve as a form of therapeutic aesthetics for the artist as patient.

A 1.5 by 1.5 meter canvas print, the first physical manifestation of the “Introducing Lary ” project was exhibited at the International Digital Media Arts Association Weird Media Exhibition in June of 2022.